Yoga classes

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Privacy policy

Information we collect

We will collect, process and store personal data only if it is directly provided to us by you. You may do this in your capacity as the user of this Website, by enquiring in relation to our goods or services, becoming a customer or supplier, or potential supplier.

Personal information covers any information which relates to you as an identifiable person. Below are examples of the type of data that this may include:

1. Identity Data including forenames, last name or gender.

2. Contact Data may include invoicing; purchase order; home or work address, email address and telephone numbers, personal or job title and position.

3. Transaction Data may include payments made for products and services you have purchased from us, or in relation to payments that we have made to you.

4. Technical Data may include internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices used to access this Website.

5. Profile and Usage Data may include enquiries submitted by you, purchases information, feedback and survey responses, and how you use our website, products and services.

6. Marketing Data may include details of any preference that you have advised us of in relation to marketing communications from us.

We may also collect non-personal data such as Aggregated Data which is data that may be obtained from your personal data, but which does not directly or indirectly identify you. This may include Usage Data detailing how you use our Website and the features and areas that you have interacted with.

How do we collect your personal data?

1. A range of different methods may be used to collect data which may include the following methods:

2. Direct interactions with us in person, by post, phone, email or otherwise. You may give us your Identity, Contact and Financial Information.

3. Automated technologies or interactions with our website, by using a web enquiry form or email link. You may give us Identity, Contact and Financial Information.

Third parties or publicly available sources (third parties may be used in processing Identity, Contact and Financial categories of personal data).

Data accuracy

It is important that the data that we hold about you is accurate and up to date. In the event that your data changes please notify us so that we can update our records.

Use of your information

We may hold and process personal data that you provide to us.

The information that we collect and store relating to you is primarily used:

1. To enable us to provide our services to you, to communicate with you and to meet our contractual commitments to you. This may include Identity, Contact, Financial and Transactional data.

2. To notify you about any changes to our business, such as improvements to our Website or service/product changes, that may affect our service or relationship with you. This may include Identity and Contact data.

3. If you are an existing customer, we may contact you with information about goods and services similar to those that were the subject of a previous sale to you. This may include Identity and Contact data.

4. Where you have consented to receive such information, to provide information on other parties’ products or services that we feel may be of interest to you. This may include Identity, Contact and Marketing data.

5. Where you have consented to receive our e-newsletters to provide that to you. This may include Identity and Contact data.

6. Where we need to comply with a legal obligation. This may include Identity, Contact and Transactional data.

7. Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. This may include all types of data.

Where we collect your data for marketing purposes we will always request your consent, at the point the data is collected, to use your data for that purpose.

We will always obtain your prior consent to sharing your personal data with any third party for their marketing purposes. This may be to enable relevant third parties to advise you of products or services that may be of interest to you.

We will only use your personal data for a reason other than the purpose for which it was originally obtained if we consider that we need to use it for that other purpose and have a legitimate interest in doing so.


The transmission of information via the Internet or email is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of data while you are transmitting it to our site; any such transmission is at your own risk.

We have put in place security measures to prevent your data from accidental, loss or disclosure. Once we have received your personal data, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

In the event of a data breach we will notify the ICO and you in the event that the breach results in any likelihood of loss or damage to you.

Data retention

The length of time that we retain, and store data depends on the purpose for which it was collected. We will only store data for as long as is required to fulfil that purpose, or for the purpose of satisfying legal requirements.

It is a legal requirement that we keep certain data about our customers and suppliers for at least six years. The type of data includes Contact, Identity, Financial and Transaction Data.

Where you have requested that we provide you with marketing materials we will retain your data until such time as consent is withdrawn by you.

Use of cookies

Our Website uses cookies. We use cookies to gather information about your computer for our services and to provide statistical information regarding the use of our Website. Such information will not identify you personally - it is statistical data about our visitors and their use of our Website. This statistical data does not identify any personal details whatsoever.

We may also gather information about your general Internet use by using a cookie file. Where used, these cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically. This cookie file is stored on the hard drive of your computer, as cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. They help us to improve our Website and the service that we provide to you.

All computers have the ability to decline cookies. This can be done by activating the setting on your browser which enables you to decline the cookies.

Changes to this policy

We may update these policies to reflect changes to the website and customer feedback. Please regularly review these policies to be informed of how we are protecting your personal data.

We welcome any queries, comments or requests you may have regarding this Privacy Policy. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Phone number: +44(0)8239419797

Address: Flat 30e Saunders Landing Millerbury MK9 2AD, United Kingdom

2024 © Peaceful Pose